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What do you need to know about professional cryolipolysis machine treatment as a man

Pulished on Jan. 24, 2022

The benefits of professional cryolipolysis machine are well documented for women. However, there are still many confusions regarding cryolipolysis equipment when it comes to men. Fat freezing machine procedure or CoolSculpting is ideal for overweight men who don't respond to diet or exercise programs. Men can benefit from cryolipolysis machines by losing inches from problem areas and developing a more chiseled physique.

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction treatment becoming more and more popular. This process eliminates stubborn fat cells that don't respond to diet and exercise alone. CoolSculpting works by freezing the fat cells in a specific body area using an FDA-approved device called the cryolipolysis machine. These frozen fat cells are then naturally eliminated from the body over time.

For men, a trim waist and a toned midsection are the ultimate benefits of the fat freezing machine. A slimmer and firmer man will feel better about himself and his appearance. It's also the ideal solution for stubborn under-chin fat, often a genetic trait. Stubborn fat deposits on the love handles and other areas of the body can easily be removed. Men can also use cryo on their back, flanks, and buttocks to create a slimmer-looking profile. 

One of the reasons many men prefer cryolipolysis equipment is that it has no downtime! You can go back to your normal routine after treatment, no recovery time is needed. The procedure can be done in less than an hour. So, it is suitable for everyone who has busy schedules. If you are interested in this procedure, let a cryolipolysis machine manufacturer guide you through every aspect of it.

What do you need to know about professional cryolipolysis machine treatment as a man

What happens during a CoolSculpting treatment?

A CoolSculpting treatment involves Cryolipolysis, a process that freezes fat cells. The fat freezing machine targets stubborn fat cells and kills them. These fat cells are then processed out of the body. This procedure gives men long-lasting, visible results for stubborn belly fat and love handles. A patient can see a significant reduction in fat in just one treatment.

The cryolipolysis machine works by targeting fat cells in different ways depending on the area being treated. These cells are then crystallized by cooling them to between −4°C and −20°C for a max 1 hour. This causes them to effectively die off and be naturally removed from your body during its natural metabolic processes. The results of a professional cryolipolysis machine are visible after around four weeks when the body has cleared the dead cells from the treated area.

The CoolSculpting procedure is designed to contour the patient's body by eliminating stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise. The procedure can be performed on just about any body area where unwanted fat has accumulated, including the abdomen, flanks, chin, back, arms, legs, and buttocks. With this treatment, you can achieve amazing results, revealing a slimmer body with well-defined muscles.

Cryolipolysis equipment removes fat cells directly from the body without damaging any surrounding tissues. In addition to its ability to eliminate fat cells permanently, CoolSculpting can also tighten the skin and muscles in the treated area. This is why many patients who have undergone this procedure have reported a firmer appearance to their skin as well as an improvement in their physical appearance.

CoolSculpting is unique because it utilizes an innovative cooling technology known as Cryolipolysis, which is clinically proven to eliminate stubborn fat for good. Unlike other non-invasive body contouring options, which rely on heating tissue to damage and break down fat cells, cryolipolysis machine instead uses controlled cooling to eliminate fat cells permanently. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis with no downtime required. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

The treatment is designed to combat the top 3 areas of fat that men struggle with. A new flexible applicator can treat both the abdominal area and flanks, making it a great option for men looking for a sleek and sculpted physique.

This unique approach means that men can achieve a broader, flatter appearance of their midsection. And for those with love handles, both above and below the navel, this innovative technology can even target this challenging area.

What do you need to know about professional cryolipolysis machine treatment as a man

Who is a good candidate for a professional cryolipolysis machine?

If you’re a man and have excessive fat in the chest, belly, or love handles, you can consider a professional cryolipolysis machine a viable treatment option. Men can transform their body shape and lose their unsightly bulges by freezing away the fat cells in these problem areas.

If you’re interested in CoolSculpting for men, it’s important to remember that the procedure is still relatively new. However, it has already been shown to be safe with minimal side effects.

But there are some general criteria to meet before opting for CoolSculpting as an alternative to liposuction or other surgical procedures. To be a candidate for this treatment, you must:

●Be within your normal weight range

●Not smoke

●Have realistic expectations of the results

No matter your age, weight, or body type, you can benefit from the fat freezing machine. Fat only freezes and disappears if you’re a good candidate for the treatment.

CoolSculpting is suitable for men with stubborn fat deposits in their belly, love handles, or chin that won’t go away, no matter how much they diet or exercise.

But it’s also appropriate for men who are carrying excess fat due to their age, genetics, and lifestyle, leading to a more rounded shape. When performed correctly by a certified physician, CoolSculpting is a safe and effective procedure that has been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of stubborn fat deposits in men.

How long will it take to see results from CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an exciting, effective, and non-invasive procedure highly recommended for most men. However, it’s important to bear in mind that results vary from patient to patient. The duration of the treatment and the degree of fat reduction will depend on your individualized goals, body type, skin elasticity, and level of subcutaneous fat.

Multiple sessions can reduce treatment times but should not exceed two per month. 

What areas of the male body can be treated with cryolipolysis machine?

Cryolipolysis machine is a simple, non-invasive procedure that has been clinically proven to eliminate fat cells, leaving you with a more toned appearance. It works by freezing the unwanted fat with Cryolipolysis technology and then removing it via suction.

CoolSculpting is suitable for both men and women and can be used to target specific problem areas such as the:


●Submental region



●Love handles



●Chest fat

●Back fat

●Upper arms

Underneath the buttocks