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Introduction to tattoo removal equipment technology

Pulished on May. 23, 2022

For centuries, clinicians have tried to use a variety of methods to remove tattoos. At present, in addition to laser treatment of some other methods, the local damage are larger, easy to cause scarring, pigment abnormalities and other more serious side effects, has been gradually eliminated, the current laser removal tattoo more Q-switched laser, such as 694nm Q-switched ruby laser, 755nm Q-switched emerald laser, 1064nm/532nm Q-switched Nd: YAG lasers and 1064nm/532nm picosecond lasers (actually sub-nanosecond lasers, more often called dermal second lasers). CO2 lasers can also be used for tattoo removal but due to adverse reactions, so the efficacy is far less than the Q laser.


Tattoo removal, the treatment mechanism is still based on the principle of selective photothermal action, tattoo pigment particles selectively absorb specific light waves of laser energy, pigment particles swell, broken, the formation of smaller fragments, followed by the body surface off, or phagocytosis, by lymphatic tissue out of the body. Ruby Q-modulated laser (694nm), emerald laser (755nm), Nd:YAG and its multiplier laser (1064nm/532nm), and the current increasingly popular dermal second laser (sub-nanosecond laser) can remove tattoos, but each laser wavelength can only remove certain specific colors:.

1) ruby laser on black, blue, green tattoos, good results, the red and yellow tattoos are not effective

2) Emerald Q laser can remove blue, black and most green, but the red and yellow tattoos slightly less effective

3) Nd:YAG and dermal seconds (sub-nanosecond) of the 1064nm laser on black, blue, green tattoos better, yellow, white, red tattoo removal is not ideal, the removal rate of no more than 25%; its multiplier after the 532nm removal of red tattoos the best effect.

Currently the most popular dermal second laser, energy 500mJ, pulse width 350ps ~ 500ps, tattoo removal than the Nd:YAG nanosecond laser requires fewer treatments, energy is also lower, thereby reducing the risk of epidermal damage.

The principle of laser tattoo removal is to use the laser to smoothly enter the lesion, the treatment of the dye is vaporized, crushed, so that the color of the tattoo fade. Generally speaking shallow tattoo washing once the effect is obvious, or even completely eliminated, but most usually require multiple treatments. Different colors of laser light are absorbed by different colors of skin, and use the laser energy to make the dye particles disintegrate and vaporize, closing the blood vessels, and then the body absorbs the dye particles to expel them, and the pigment then fades. Since a certain wavelength of laser light is only absorbed by the corresponding color pigment, only the diseased cells absorb the specific color. Only diseased cells absorb the specific laser, and the depth of the skin reached by the laser can be controlled, with adjustable pulses to minimize skin damage. The use of laser blasting effect, the laser effectively penetrate the epidermis, to reach the dermis of the pigment mass, due to the extremely short action time of the laser, the energy is very high, the pigment mass in the instant absorption of the high energy of the laser quickly expanded, broken into small particles, these small particles are phagocytosed by the body's macrophages after the discharge of the body, the pigment gradually fade away, and finally achieve the purpose of tattoo removal.

Introduction to tattoo removal equipment technology

Laser to tattoo equipment benefits not hurt the skin: with the traditional laser tattoo is not the same, it can use different wavelengths of laser light and selective surgery, so that the skin is not damaged.

2. the effect is significant: laser tattoo removal to remove the area is relatively large, color heavy pattern.

3. do not leave scars: laser tattoos do not need to use knife cutting or abrasion, generally go to the tattoo will not leave obvious scars.

4. no anesthesia: no need for local anesthesia, which is another benefit of laser scar removal and other scar removal procedures.

Introduction to tattoo removal equipment technology