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Why are some tattoos stubborn and how to remove them with a tattoo removal device

Pulished on Jan. 09, 2022

Though getting rid of tattoos has become extremely easy, all thanks to a tattoo removal device, however, there are some stubborn tattoos that are very hard to remove. Even after repetitive tattoo laser machine treatments, you might find such stubborn tattoos present on your skin. Although today's advanced laser tattoo removal equipment makes it possible to remove most tattoos, some are resistant to all but the strongest lasers and must be removed with repeated treatments.

However, there are a few tips that can increase your chances greatly! All expert tattoo removal equipment manufacturers get hundreds of questions every day about this procedure! That’s why we decided to create a goto article for every person who wants to increase his odds of removing tattoos.

Why are some tattoos stubborn? There are two main factors that affect the difficulty of removing a tattoo i.e tattoo chemistry and body chemistry. We have explained both of them below!

Why are some tattoos stubborn and how to remove them with a tattoo removal device

Tattoo chemistry

The efficacy of laser tattoo removal equipment depends significantly on the chemistry of the tattoo, like the tattoo's color. Generally, darker tattoos are easier to remove with fewer tattoo removal device sessions than lighter hues that lie more deeply in the dermis. Once black ink has been broken down through tattoo removal equipment application, removing the tattoo becomes a slower and more complicated process. Because of variations in the skin's chemical composition, other colors are more difficult to remove, particularly those vibrant shades that appear close in hue to the dermis.

Larger tattoos with darker colors on lighter skin can be the easiest to remove. This is because the laser can focus on the contrast between the two, making it easier to eliminate. On the other hand, the smaller and lighter the tattoo, the harder it will be to remove. Removing a small tattoo is easier for a laser tattoo removal machine since larger tattoos will require more laser pulses. 

Tattoo age is another key in deciding how many treatments will be required to achieve the desired outcome. Tattoos that have been on the skin for a longer period of time will respond better to tattoo laser machine treatment, as the ink has dispersed more into the dermis.

DIY tattoos are easier to remove as compared to the tattoos done by professionals. Professional tattoos tend to have ink colors of higher quality, are more detailed and complex, and are harder to remove than amateur or DIY tattoos. Different colors may need different laser frequencies to break the ink down. That’s why removing tattoos done by professional artists may thus become increasingly tedious.

Body chemistry:

Removing a tattoo is a slow, gradual process that involves the immune system. The speed of a laser tattoo removal machine depends on how your body responds to it. Some people have an easier time recovering from the process, others have more difficulty. 

The darker your skin is, the harder it is to remove a tattoo because darker skin has more melanin (color). If you're removing a tattoo on darker skin, there's a greater chance of scarring and the tattoo's "ghosting" or whitish imprint remaining in the area where it was removed. You might lose some color or pigment with the tattoo during the laser removal process. The natural pigment in your skin is usually the first pigment targeted by the tattoo laser machine because it often fades first.

Where tattoos are located on the body can also affect their ease of removal. A tattoo on an area with many veins or closer to the heart is more easily eliminated by the body due to the ease of elimination of ink. It is easier to remove the tattoo on the chest as compared to the one on the lower back.

Finally, the type of tattoo laser machine used will affect how long the removal process takes, with more powerful lasers needing to be utilized for tattoos with darker pigments or inked areas. Tattoo removal equipment manufacturers recommend Q-switched: Nd Yag machines, which administer laser pulses within nanoseconds.

How to effectively remove stubborn tattoos?

Tattoo removal via laser tattoo removal equipment is very effective in removing a stubborn tattoo, though this process is not without complications. Although it is not easy, quick, or painless, the effective removal of a stubborn tattoo is possible with a laser tattoo removal device. 

If you don't want to risk scarring your skin or wasting time, leave tattoo removal to the professionals. Although removing a tattoo is tempting, attempting to do this at home can lead to more problems than you would have had without treatment. So, do not attempt to remove a tattoo at home. Creams and scrubs can weaken the area around the tattoo, allowing ink to leak into the skin. The use of butane-based products can cause infection or damage your skin.

That’s why research is an important part of determining how to remove a stubborn tattoo. Many options are available for eradicating tattoos, including surgical removal of the tattooed skin and laser tattoo removal machine. Before choosing a treatment method, it's important to research the procedure's possible risks, expected costs, and potential outcomes. 

Surgical removal can be expensive and painful, at-home remedies are often ineffective. However, a laser tattoo removal machine is a non-invasive and effective way to eliminate unwanted tattoos. And given the risks of surgery, laser removal is your safest bet.

Why are some tattoos stubborn and how to remove them with a tattoo removal device

It may take several months of tattoo removal device treatments to remove a stubborn tattoo effectively. It's important to be patient and committed during the entire process. The most effective way to remove a tattoo is by treating it with laser treatments that are scheduled several times over a period of months. It's important to keep your expectations in check during the treatment procedure.

The immune system requires time to get rid of the ink from the body. The amount of time depends on various factors, such as the size of the area being treated and how many treatments are needed.

That’s why tattoo removal equipment manufacturers recommend seeing a dermatologist before opting for the treatment! An expert opinion can change your whole perspective!