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Most common confusions about tattoo eraser machine

Pulished on Jan. 09, 2022

The first consultation for tattoo removal device treatment is an important moment for patients and technicians alike. It's an opportunity to establish rapport, gain patients' trust, and express your expertise in the tattoo eraser machine. The consultation gives you, the practitioner, a chance to show your expertise in laser tattoo removal. You can also learn how much your patient knows about the procedure and their expectations. 

By addressing any concerns or questions, you can build trust with your patient, essential before moving forward with treatment. As a laser tattoo removal machine supplier, We encounter many confused customers each year! We've gathered the most common questions that patients have about the procedure, so you can feel confident answering them.

Most common confusions about tattoo eraser machine

How much does it cost?

For most patients, price is a big factor in their decision. We recommend that you have a clear pricing policy that allows you to give a simple and objective answer to your patients' questions about cost. It's best to focus the consultation on the value of treatment, not how much you charge for it. Tattoo removal device treatments are ten times as expensive as the application, so some patients may find the treatment costs more than they expected. We suggest that you advertise your minimum fee prominently on your website or brochure. You should feel confident in your fees, you are providing a valuable service that requires highly specialized equipment.

At the beginning of tattoo eraser machine treatment, it's important to set expectations and inform patients that tattoos take multiple sessions to remove. This will prevent patients from expecting that their tattoo can be removed in one session or that the per-session price will equal the total cost of removal. One way to communicate this effectively and save money for your practice and your patients is to sell treatment packages for each stage of tattoo removal. Doing so allows you to receive revenue upfront by locking your clients into repetitive visits to your practice.

How long does the treatment take?

The length of the tattoo laser removal machine process is one of the biggest concerns among patients. Some people want to remove an existing tattoo before a special event, such as their wedding or enlisting in the military. It's important to note that tattoo eraser machine treatment is a gradual process based on the body's ability to eliminate ink from the skin. 

It's not unusual for the body to need up to a year to eliminate ink. Understanding this from the client's perspective helps set healthy expectations, allowing patients to be satisfied throughout the experience. To allow the skin enough time to heal between treatments and for the body to flush away destroyed ink, laser tattoo removal machine suppliers recommend a minimum of a six-week gap between laser sessions. Eight weeks if you are dealing with darker complexions. 

Scheduling too many treatments in a short period of time can cause damage and side effects that might be permanent.

We generally suggest giving patients an idea of the number of tattoo removal device treatments they can expect to receive. We typically see a bell curve of results through a tattoo laser removal machine. Most people will see complete tattoo removal in between three and eight treatments. While some may need 10 or more treatments to see full results if their tattoos are particularly large or have significant scarring. Based on their specific case, you can inform patients where they are likely to fall on the bell curve.

Does it hurt?

A tattoo removal device is typically associated with some level of pain. However, most patients report that it is not as painful as expected. Though many people believe that removing a tattoo is extremely painful, the sensation of laser tattoo removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Patients commonly describe the removal process as feeling like a rubber band snapping against the skin, it's unpleasant and uncomfortable but bearable.

When discussing pain with patients, it's important to share some tough love! The discomfort is tolerable, and your customer should be aware of it. Many technicians offer numbing treatments! By numbing the skin during the procedure, your practice can remain competitive and provide better patient care and satisfaction.

Will it leave a scar?

Tattoo removal using a Q-switched laser will not produce scarring when the proper laser protocols and patient aftercare are followed. Tattoo removal will eliminate the ink in your skin, but it may leave behind any pre-existing scars. If a scar is present in an area where the tattoo ink is being targeted, this pigmentation will break down within the damaged tissue. This means that after several treatments, your tattoos will fade as the ink becomes undetectable underneath your skin. However, some scarring will likely still be left behind after another pigmentation has been removed.

During the initial consultation, touch the tattoo. If scar tissue is present, note that fact in the patient's file and explain to the patient that the laser will get rid of the ink but not any scars.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are a normal part of the laser tattoo removal device process. Some side effects are an essential part of the immune response that helps to eliminate ink from the skin.

Most common confusions about tattoo eraser machine

To make sure patients are aware of all possible side effects, an experienced laser tattoo removal machine supplier will encourage practitioners to explain them in detail during the consultation process. This way, patients won't be shocked the next day when their skin is sensitive, and they can't participate in certain activities or wear certain types of clothing.

After the tattoo laser removal machine session, patients most commonly experience redness, swelling, tenderness and blisters. A scab will form over the tattoo under the area of treatment. This scab will fall off in a week or two. A bruise may also appear where the laser beam enters the skin. All of these side effects should heal within a few days of treatment. Some patients may experience more extensive bruising, hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation on their skin during the healing process.

For patients who have pigmentation problems, it is a good idea to wait until the area has returned to its normal skin tone before treating it again. There is a risk of permanent pigmentation if the practitioner continues to treat an affected area too aggressively. When treating darker skin tones, it is important to use wavelengths that have less absorption by melanin and reduced fluence levels. The side effects that could be permanent are scarring or changes in the skin's pigment. Patients are typically more concerned about permanent rather than temporary side effects. All permanent side effects are avoidable if the proper protocols and aftercare are used.

To assist with the healing process, you should discuss aftercare during the consultation.