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hifem machine-shaping and slimming beauty equipment

Pulished on Apr. 14, 2022

In recent times a new shaping and slimming beauty apparatus swept the major markets, it is hifem equipment shaping beauty apparatus, since the listing of this shaping apparatus, people do not have to worry about the difficult problem of muscle gain, hifem equipment shaping beauty apparatus can simultaneously do muscle gain and fat loss, that hifem equipment shaping beauty apparatus is how to do muscle gain and fat loss?

The principle of hifem equipment muscle gain and fat loss shaping apparatus is to use non-invasive high-energy focused electromagnetic wave technology, through the electromagnetic field output energy, stimulate the body's muscle motor neurons, triggering the muscle to occur high-frequency strong contraction, muscle in the process of strong contraction, part of the muscle fiber fracture, so that the muscle can be deeply remodeled, that is, the growth of myogenic fibers (muscle increase) and produce new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), enhance the muscle to perfect the line, while strong muscle contraction consumes a lot of energy, triggering a lot of fat decomposition, so as to burn fat loss.

The hifem device has five modes: aerobic fat loss strength interval training mode, muscle building training mode, muscle strength training mode, intensive muscle building fat loss training mode, intensive muscle building and muscle strength training mode. And all the frequency program is designed in accordance with the actual forging the feeling and effect of exercise. The previous shaping is simply fat loss, leaving the body is not firm regret. The high energy focus electromagnetic wave technology, its "muscle and fat loss" function, breaking the previous fat loss is not firm, hifem equipment: "muscle + fat loss" in one step, easily, to create a firm curve.

hifem machine-shaping and slimming beauty equipment

hifem equipment shaping beauty apparatus is how to do muscle gain and fat loss? In fact, regardless of whether it is muscle gain or fat loss, the purpose is to make your body look better, hifem equipment shaping beauty apparatus how to do muscle gain? As a result of ageing, production, fat accumulation, lack of exercise and other factors, muscle fibers become lax and thin, muscle becomes flabby, collapse, weak, body shape appears saggy, invisible. hifem equipment muscle gain fat loss shaping instrument acts on motor neurons, generating high frequency contraction diastole, so that the muscle in the stretch state, myogenic fibers occur fine fracture, triggering the self-repair of muscle muscle, protein molecules repair the broken fibers. After the action of the instrument, the muscle fibers become thick, strong, firm and tough. The muscles become firm and elastic, and the body shape is defined. At the same time, the sagging and weak muscles become firm and strong.

How does the hifem device shaping beauty instrument carry out fat reduction? hifem device shaping beauty instrument converts the excess fat burden into beautiful energy. Fat accumulates into clumps, we grow older, the body metabolism slows down, too much calorie intake, it will be converted into fat, accumulate into clumps in the body, forming a thick layer of fat, dragging down health and body shape. Fat decomposition for energy supply, hifem equipment shaping beauty instrument to stimulate the muscle to produce high-frequency limit contraction, the movement of the need to consume a lot of energy, triggering a large number of fat mass stored in the body decomposition, energy supply. The fat consumption decreases after the decomposition of the fat mass for energy supply, the cells abate in large numbers, and the fat tissue becomes loose and sparse. The body's metabolism is accelerated, cells are purer and healthier, and the body is beautifully shaped.