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emsculpt muscle sculpting machine

Pulished on Dec. 23, 2021

For abdominal muscles, vest line, hourglass body, emsculpt machine accurately act on every part you need, effectively reducing fat by 19% and gaining muscle by 16%. there is no need to exercise, no need to sweat, you can enjoy a beautiful figure boosted by emsculpt machine manufacturer.

High-intensity focused electromagnetic field technology, emsculpt machine induces muscles to complete hyper-contraction exercises. When the muscle tissue is in a hyper-contracted state, the hi emt machine will deepen its internal structure remodeling. The growth and volume of the original myofibril will increase the muscle tension, resulting in clearer muscle lines, while the muscle is hyper-contracted. The process requires energy. When the existing energy is exhausted, the body’s metabolic process will take place in the form of lipolysis. For 30 minutes of passive muscle training with a muscle sculpting machine, you only need to lie there, which is equivalent to doing 30,000 times. Sit-ups and squats, after a course of treatment, you can have a tight waistline and straight buttocks.

Emsculpt muscle sculpting machine

Muscle gaining + fat burning, 30 minutes of high-intensity electromagnetic muscle trainer energy pulse can stimulate 20,000 strong muscle contractions, fat cells super-fast metabolism, strong decomposition, at the same time with muscle strengthening and growth effects, bringing subversive innovation to body shaping.

emsculpt muscle sculpting machine

How does Emsculpt muscle sculpting machine gain muscle and lose fat?

First of all, we need to know that fat and muscle together constitute the lines of our body, and the increase in muscle ratio is the key to good or bad body shape. To achieve the shaping of muscle tissue, in addition to physical exercise, the electrical stimulation and electromagnetic stimulation of the emsculpt machine are also used for muscle training, and electromagnetic stimulation can double the contraction of the muscles and penetrate deeper into the tissues without any pain or burn risk.

Working principle of emsculpt machine

The emsculpt machine uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic field energy (HIFEM) technology, which is capable of inducing muscle hypercontraction. The high-frequency alternating magnetic field generates induced current in the muscle tissue, depolarizes the nerve membrane, excites the motor unit of the target muscle, and causes concentric contraction. This excitatory effect is highly selective; due to the physiological characteristics of muscle tissue, only motor neurons are activated, while other neurons or tissues do not respond to the current and are therefore not affected. The two treatment heads of the high intensity electromagnetic muscle trainer can be placed on the abdomen or buttocks separately (or at the same time) to help you move the muscles.

High intensity electromagnetic muscle trainer

Hifem machine technology can release high-frequency electromagnetic waves, stimulate deep muscle nerves, and induce muscles to perform hyper-contraction exercises that the human body cannot achieve autonomously. When muscle tissue is in a state of hypercontraction, it will be forced to adapt to such extreme conditions and deepen its internal structure. The original myofibrils grow (muscle enlargement) and produce new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), resulting in clearer muscle lines.

Emsculpt machine fat reduction principle

The process of muscle hypercontraction requires energy. When the existing energy is exhausted, the body's metabolic process will take place in the form of lipolysis, that is, lipids are broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol. These released substances are usually used as muscle activity and Energy source for metabolism. Therefore, after a series of emsculpt machine treatments, the last thing you see is a significant increase in muscle and a decrease in fat.

Muscle sculpting machine is an innovative non-invasive device developed by emsculpt machine manufacturer that can increase muscle + burn fat at the same time. The energy pulse of 30 minutes treatment can stimulate 20,000 strong muscle contractions. The electromagnetic wave of the treatment head penetrates the depth of the muscle layer up to 7cm, which induces Muscles to perform hyper-contraction exercises that the human body cannot achieve by itself. The hifem machine stimulates fat cells to metabolize and decompose strongly. At the same time, with the effects of muscle strengthening and growth, it brings subversive innovations to the body's plasticity.

Hifem machine uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy (HIFEm) to shape the patient's body without undergoing surgery and can achieve results. It is worth noting that HIEMP is the first non-invasive (norrinvasive) instrument, which stimulates and contracts muscles and reduces fat. The applicable parts include the abdomen, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs.

The magnetic wave sculpting machine generates electromagnetic energy HIFEME, which stimulates the muscles to contract superbly. During treatment, it provides a series of different muscle contraction patterns to stimulate muscle movement.

Hifem muscle sculpting machine is the only slim plastic instrument that can increase muscle 16% while reducing fat by 19%. Emsculpt machine is a non-invasive treatment that simulates high-frequency exercise to reduce fat, a scientific and healthy way to reduce fat.

2. The principle and core advantages of emsculpt machine

1. Core HIFEM technology-high-intensity focused electromagnetic field technology

High-intensity electromagnetic wave HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field) technology, the energy pulse of each treatment stimulates 20,000 strong muscle contractions, and the intensity and frequency of this muscle contraction can never be achieved through ordinary muscle exercise. High-intensity muscle contraction stimulates muscle growth and induces fat cells to accelerate metabolism.

Generally, muscle gaining is controlled by the brain by the brain. The strength and amplitude of muscle contraction are limited. Only some muscles can exercise. It is difficult to achieve muscle gaining effect in a short period of time. The high-intensity muscle contraction brings about a gain effect that cannot be achieved by natural muscle movement, which will be significantly changed under the drive of the focused magnetic vibration technology of the muscle-sculpting machine. The muscle volume and muscle fiber density increase at the same time to achieve muscle gain and produce clearer muscles. line.

The high-intensity muscle contraction of the muscle-sculpting machine can cause fat cells to be overloaded and cause strong lipolysis. A large number of triglycerides in fat cells are decomposed into free fatty acids (FFA). The burst of free fatty acids causes functional overload, which exceeds the fat cells Withstanding the limit, the breakdown of fat cell function triggers cell apoptosis. The apoptotic fat cells are inactivated and decomposed within a few weeks and are completely eliminated from the body to achieve fat reduction.

Three modes of Muscle sculpting machine, different pulse parameters can be set to ensure the highest clinical efficacy

Muscle sculpting machine ensures the clinical effect by adjusting and setting different pulse parameters. The treatment starts at a low intensity, and the intensity will gradually increase according to the tolerability of the healer.

The first stage: the muscle-sculpting machine warms up the muscles, wakes up the muscles, and prepares for intensive exercise. The muscles tightened slightly, and there was a feeling of pulling upwards.

The second stage: the muscle-sculpting machine high-density muscle contraction (longer contraction than the first stage), so that the muscle reaches 100% extreme training, triggers lipolysis, increases muscle mass and causes fat cells to apoptosis at the same time. The second stage contraction is longer than the first stage and is more pronounced than the first stage. This is because of the difference between the muscle sculpting machine that makes the muscle contract a thousand times in a few seconds and a hundred times in a few seconds.

The third stage: the muscle sculpting machine uses low-density electromagnetic waves to relax the muscles and help drain away toxins or lactic acid released by the muscles, which is relatively easy to tolerate. One of them feels like it has the power to beat the muscle (about 10 times per second), which is a very slow contraction.

Muscle sculpting machine mainly acts on muscle and fat

HIFEM pulses selectively drive motor neurons without affecting or harming the skin; muscle contraction stimulates fat cell super-fast metabolism and strong fat breakdown; super-fast metabolism causes fat cell dysfunction and dysfunction, which in turn triggers cell apoptosis; at the same time, it is accompanied by muscle strengthening and Growth effect, muscle gain + fat burning in one step

Muscle sculpting machine treatment area: Strengthen the abdominal muscles and shape the vest line

The high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy technology used by the muscle sculpting machine stimulates 20,000 strong muscle contractions when applied to the abdomen. This super-muscle exercise can increase the density and volume of abdominal muscles, and decompose and eliminate abdominal fat.

When the muscle sculpting machine acts on the buttocks, the powerful energy pulse makes the buttocks muscles keep contracting. Muscles gradually increase and thicken in this ultra-muscular exercise, the overall buttocks are improved, the muscle relaxation is also significantly reduced, and the entire buttocks lines are becoming more and more obvious.

Muscle sculpting machine treatment process

There is no need to take off clothes or apply gel during the whole treatment process, just lie on the bed, put the muscle pacemaker on the treatment site, and it can be completed in 30 minutes. Energy from 0 to 100%. It is generally recommended that the energy be 20-40% in the first ten minutes, increase to 70% in the second ten minutes, and increase to 90-100% in the third ten minutes. The entire muscle sculpting machine treatment is non-invasive, painless, no recovery period, and perfect exercise without sweating.

Muscle sculpting machine suitable for people

In principle, the muscle sculpting machine is suitable for everyone, including many people who do not seem to be fat, but still have local fat, no muscles and firm skin. It is also very suitable for postpartum mothers who want to reshape their bodies. But if your fat is extremely high and your weight base is too large, it is more reasonable and effective to lose weight first and then further increase muscle fat burning.

What are the advantages of Muscle sculpting machine VS other fat reduction instruments

1. Combine fat burning + muscle gain

Like the comparison fire fat loss instrument in the medical beauty market, it is generally only effective for eliminating fat, and does not pay attention to muscle tissue. At the same time, the beauty needs to have obvious fat bumps to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. It is not very suitable for many people, especially those who have a low body mass index (BMI) and want to further optimize their body lines.

The muscle sculpting machine can not only break down fat cells, but also increase muscle mass to form a clearer abdomen contour and a rounder buttocks. Therefore, if you want to create a fit body curve, undoubtedly the first choice is muscle sculpting machine.

2. The effect is fast and significant

Compared with other fat-reducing equipment, the muscle-sculpting machine takes effect very quickly. Even one or two days after a treatment can see results. A course of treatment is 4 times, each time is 2-3 days apart, and you will be constantly surprised at your changes during the last 2-4 weeks of treatment.

3. Lazy fitness black technology-easily build a devil's body

About muscle sculpting machine-FAQ

Q: Why is it said that one time abdomen is equivalent to 20,000 crunches?

A: Because in the treatment process, the high-intensity focused electromagnetic field technology HIFEM is used. The energy pulse can stimulate 20,000 strong muscle contractions and accelerate fat metabolism, which is equivalent to real fat loss during exercise.

Q: How long does the muscle sculpting machine take between treatments?

A: A muscle sculpting machine treatment normally takes 30 minutes. Generally 4 times as a course of treatment, each treatment interval is 2-3 days, it is recommended to do 4-5 courses a year to maintain a healthy body at all times.

Q: How will you feel after finishing it?

A: After experiencing the whole process, you can feel the muscles being grabbed by a burst of energy again and again, a bit like being shocked, but it doesn't hurt. After finishing the treatment, the treated area may feel sour, which is a slight muscle fatigue, which is similar to the sour feeling after exercise. This is the manifestation of the effect after the treatment, and the body will feel that it has been well exercised. Follow-up treatments will be more adaptable and relaxed.

Q: How long will it take to see the effect? Will it rebound?

A: Generally, the effect can be seen after one course of treatment, and muscle lines appear. After 3-4 courses of continuous treatment, you can feel the gradual formation of muscles under fat, and you can easily have healthy lines such as vest lines when body fat is low. Of course, you also need to pay attention to your healthy diet. It will not rebound like exercise.

Q: Is the muscle-sculpting machine treatment dangerous?

A: The muscle sculpting machine is a physical instrument with a certain strength, so you need to choose a genuine instrument for operation and set the energy reasonably, otherwise it is very worthless to cause muscle damage.